Disclaimer: This is a generalized summary of the macOS Software License Agreement. IT IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE for reading the entire agreement, however, it may prove useful if you are pressed for time. If you have questions, contact Apple for legal advice. The Terms are subject to change, and the most recent version will be placed above. It DOES NOT INCLUDE the Apple Pay Supplemental License.
1. General
A. The Apple Software is licensed to you by Apple under the conditions of this license. Apple retains ownership and rights, not you. You agree to abide by the terms.
B. The Apple Software License covers all future updates, unless the License changes. Updates may not function the same on all computer models or years.
C. Intellectual property rights of anything accessed through the Software are retained by the owner, and are subject to certain third-party licenses. Files from News and Maps may not be distributed as a stand-alone file.
2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions
A. Subject to the Terms, you may run one copy of preinstalled Software on an Apple branded computer at any one time.
B. Subject to the Terms, you may run one copy of the Software on each Apple branded computer you own, if obtained from the Mac App Store. You may run multiple instances of the Software, including previous versions, on the same machine for testing and development purposes.
C. Subject to the Terms, if you got the Software from a volume or maintenance license program with Apple, you may follow the use guidelines in that agreement. All other licensing agreements apply.
D. Apple Software is only supported on Apple-branded products. An Apple ID may be necessary for all features.
E. Fonts included may be used while running the Software, but additional usage must be verified with the individual font license.
F. The System Voices may be used in your own personal, non-commercial projects while running the Software, but nothing else.
G. Extra digital assets included in the Photos app may not be individually redistributed by any means.
H. Certain Apple-affiliated software, or elements thereof, may be downloaded and cached on your Mac. This is only for personal use, and certain information may be collected about your computer. Apple may stop this at any time.
I. Macs may be connected to one, and only one, remote device. Other devices may watch remotely, but cannot control the Software in any way. It may only be done through the Screen Sharing feature.
J. As per the Terms, you may not install the Apple Software on a non-Apple computer, or assist others in doing so. You may not sell the Software, or alter its trademarks.
K. One backup copy is acceptable, as long as all copyright notices are included.
L. If you transfer to a new computer with Migration Assistant or equivalent, you may not be licensed to continue using both copies of the Software.
M. Apple may provide certain open-source products. These are distributed without a warranty or obligation by Apple to do so.
N. Reverse-engineering of the Software is prohibited, as well as helping others do so.
O. You agree to use the Software in compliance with all local laws.
P. Apple assumes no support responsibility for third-party software. Contact the developer.
Q. Apple may download and install automatic updates onto your computer. This can be disabled.
R. Memoji may be used in your own personal, non-commercial projects while running the Software, but nothing else.
3. Leasing
A. Leasing of the Apple Software is allowed for developer purposes, as long as certain conditions are met. Both parties must review the License Agreement.
B. Subleasing is allowed, assuming all conditions necessary are met.
C. As the Lessor, you are responsible for enforcing the compliance of this section.
D. Multiple copies of the Apple Software may be run in a virtualization environment for testing purposes, as enumerated in Section 2B.
E. If you are the party being leased to, you agree that the Lessor may have configured the Apple Software in a certain way.
4. Transfer
A. You may transfer your software rights once, to another party, provided that they comply with the enumerated terms in this Agreement.
B. Modified Software may not be transferred.
C. Certain copies of the Apple Software may not be redistributed or transferred.
5. Consent to Use of Data
A. When using the communication features of the Apple Software, your data may be stored temporarily. Many features require certain amounts of information. You information will always be treated in accordance with Apple's Privacy Policy.
6. Services and Third Party Materials
A. Certain Apple-affiliated services may require, among other things, an Apple ID, Internet connection, and/or additional fees. You must follow the respective Terms for each service.
B. If you use iCloud, you agree to those Terms as well.
C. Content from the News app is only for personal, non-commercial use.
D. Maps features may not be available everywhere. You agree to follow the Terms of Maps.
E. By using the Apple Software, you agree that you may see obscene material on the Internet. This is accepted at your own risk.
F. Apple is not responsible for third-party softwares or websites.
G. Apple never guarantees the accuracy of the data displayed by its services, including, but not limited to, Maps, Stocks, and Health.
H. You agree that any content uploaded is yours, and you agree not to use the Software for cybercrimes (distributing malware, etc.) or violate the rights of other parties. Apple is not responsible for the actions of you or others by the use of the Software.
I. The Apple Software may not be available in all languages or in all countries or regions.
7. Termination
A. This License is good until terminated, which will happen if you fail to comply with said License. You must destroy all copies of the Apple Software immediately.
8. Disclaimer of Warranties
A. You may have consumer rights under local law in your country.
B. Use of the Apple Software is at your own risk.
C. The Apple Software is provided "as-is", without any rights not specifically given in this License.
D. Apple does not guarantee perfectly functioning software.
E. The Apple Software is not intended for use in facilities where errors may have catastrophic consequences, including but not limited to, nuclear facilities, aircraft management, life support, or weapons systems.
F. Apple's advice does not constitute a warranty, except as enumerated in the applicable License.
9. Limitation of Liability
A. Apple is not liable for personal or financial injury as a result of using the software. In no event, except as required by law, is Apple required to compensate you for more than $250.00.
10. Digital Certificates
A. You are responsible for deciding whether or not to rely on digital certificates, whether issued by Apple or a third party.
11. Export Control
A. The Apple Software may not be used for purposes illegal by United States law, including, but not limited to, the production of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons.
12. Government End Users
A. The Apple Software is provided to government end users by the same license as standard ones.
13. Controlling Law and Severability
A. This License is governed in accordance with the State of California. Should a local court find any portion of this to be unenforceable, the rest shall stand.
14. Complete Agreement; Governing Language
A. This is the entire Agreement between you and Apple for the use of the Software. Any new versions immediately replace the old, and no amendments are allowed except those written and signed by Apple. The English license is supreme in case of a dispute.
15. Third Party Acknowledgements
A. Third-party material may be included. It is subject to their Terms.
B. Certain included softwares are done so under the GNU General Public License. Source code may be requested for such softwares.
C. MPEG-4 is licensed under the MPEG-4 Systems Patent Portfolio License.
D. Commercial use of H.264/AVC requires additional licensing.
E. QuickTime's AMR is licensed for use personally.
F. Flight data may not be distributed without permission from the FAA.
G. Adobe color palettes aren't provided with any liability.
H. Gracenote software is subject to its own Terms.
16. Yahoo Search Service Restrictions
A. The Yahoo Search Service available through Safari is only available in certain countries.