The Sims Medieval Physician Guide

The Sims Medieval Physician Guide

The Physician hero Sim in “The Sims Medieval” is the doctor of the Kingdom. They are able to treat injuries, infection and even diseases. Their use of medicine is a bit medieval, but it is set in a medieval setting after all.

To gain The Sims Medieval Physician hero, you will need to place the Clinic building in the Kingdom (if you have enough points available to do so). This building is located in the “Knowledge” district and is next to the Wizard’s Tower.

The Sims Medieval Physician – Special Abilities

The Sims Medieval Physician Crafting Medicine from Herbs

The heroes that are in the game each have the ability to use specific items that are available for them to use. They also each have certain interactions that are hero specific, so only they are able to use those interactions.

The Sims Medieval Physician hero uses the archives, crafting table and operating table.

The Physician is able to diagnose Sims. From there they can apply first aid or administer a cure (if carrying a salve or tonic in their inventory). These interactions will give experience points.

If the Physician is at the clinic, they are able to use the operating table for Sims that have a serious injury or are seriously injured. You can stock the operating table with potions, herbs and leeches. Leeches are used for bloodletting which is often used in the Kingdom. Be sure to have a high focus when doing these interactions. Performing these actions also gives the hero experience points.

The Sims Medieval Physician Researching

The Sims Medieval Physician hero is able to collect all types of herbs to use for crafting potions and salves to sell and to treat other Sims. The herb garden just outside of the clinic is a great resource for these herbs, so be sure to gather these herbs each day to keep a good stock of the herbs you will be using often.

Physicians need to be well researched in medicine, so use the archives to study and gain some quick and easy experience points to help your hero level up!

The Sims Medieval Hero Physician – Making Money

Using The Sims Medieval cheats makes it much easier (and quicker) to advance in the game. With the use of cheats, you can decorate their building nicely and purchase everything you would want your hero to have. If you don’t want to go that route though, you can still earn money the honest way.

The Sims Medieval Physician Gathering Herbs

Daily Income – the daily income that your hero will earn each day is based on the level of the Sim. The higher level The Sims Medieval hero Physician is, the more money they will earn.

Crafting – the Physician can craft tonics and potions to sell to Sims for a good amount of Simoles.

Selling Herbs – herbs are needed for the potions and tonics, but if the hero has a huge amount of some, they can sell them for some extra cash.

Treating Sims – the Physician can make a very large amount of money from treating Sims on the operating table. Be sure to have leeches on hand! The higher the level the hero is, the more than can treat and earn more money for doing so.

The Sims Medieval Hero Physician – Level Progression

In “The Sims Medieval Limited Edition” heroes can reach up to level 10. It is a good goal to have as many level 10 heroes that you can in a Kingdom. Once the hero reaches level 10, they earn more money each day and unlock all of the bonuses available to them. The Sims Medieval hero Physician’s level progression is shown below.

The Sims Medieval Physician Crafting Medicine

Level 1

Level 2

The Sims Medieval Physician Diagnosing Sim

Level 3

Level 4

The Sims Medieval Physician Applying First Aid

Level 5

Level 6

The Sims Medieval Physician Medicating Sim

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10


All screenshots and references from The Sims Medieval.

Screenshots provided by the writer.